Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver User Guide - Introduction

Introducing the Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver

The Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver connects any ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) compliant application for Microsoft Windows 95, Windows NT or Windows 2000, to the LDA III Runtime Database. A suitable ODBC client (such as Microsoft Query) then permits ad hoc data creation, update and enquiry.

This section briefly describes LDA III itself, and how the Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver can make access to this data both easier and more flexible.

Chapter Guide

About LINC Development Assistant III

LINC Development Assistant III (LDA III) by Unisys offers LINC users an environment that allows design, development, testing and implementation of a LINC System completely within Windows.

Figure 1: LINC Development Assistant III schematic

LDA III provides users with the following Windows environments:

LDA III Development

LDA III Development environment allows design prototyping and development of LINC systems, which can then be transferred to a host once complete.

Three modes of operation are supported:

LDA III Runtime

The LDA III Runtime environment allows the developed LINC System to be run on a Windows system for test purposes.

It uses a collection of applications to implement the LDA III Runtime environment, which connect to a repository that may be on the local machine or on a mounted network drive.

The LDA repository stores a model of the business that is being automated, along with multi-user environment information, and is broken into business segments.

In theory, a business segment is simply a segment of the business model, but in practice it normally corresponds to a LINC System project.

LDA III uses various configuration setting (.INI) files to specify the development environment, but this manual refers only to the location of the LINCDB.INI, normally found in the LDA III repository.

The LINCDB.INI contains the location of the runtime database and information relating to each transaction screen Ispec within the LDA III environment. It consists of a sequence of sections, each of which contains the path to the database and a set of Ispec paths:

Figure 2: An example LINCDB.INI


In LDAIII Development, choose Help > Contents. Double-click on Configuration Files > Configuration Files. An explanation of the functions of the .INI files is given here, with diagrams.

LDA Viewer, another Unisys product, permits the browsing of data, but not modification. Since the LDA III Runtime Database uses non-standard D-ISAM database structures, there has been no browser capable of viewing and modifying arbitrary LDA III databases.

Introducing the Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver

The Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver allows you to begin using any ODBC compliant application to create, update and/or view data held within the LDA III Runtime Database.

Figure 3: The Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver schematic

By creating an ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) attached to Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver, you can transparently access the LINCDB.INI file and obtain the runtime database and table information relating to a specific Ispec (or multiple Ispecs) within the LDA III environment.

The Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver allows you to define how you handle:

The Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver also allows you to: