Developer area
The Developer area contains articles and tutorials on the programming and scripting languages that are commonly used with Easysoft ODBC drivers, For example, C, C#, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby. The section also provides resources and background information on the technology standards that Easysoft products use to enable applications to access data: ODBC and JDBC.
PHP ODBC code samples
ODBC examples written in PHP.
ODBC code samples
ODBC API examples written in C.
Python ODBC code samples
ODBC examples written in Python.
Become a star DBA
Want to become the best DBA around?
Some common Unicode problems and solutions demonstrated with Perl DBD::ODBC and Microsoft SQL Server
ODBC and Unicode. Inserting and selecting Unicode data.
Big data
An organisation's success relies on its ability to draw insights from the various kinds of data available to it, both traditional and nontraditional.
Using the DB2 ODBC driver with unixODBC
The unixODBC Driver Manager allows non-DB2 CLI applications to connect to DB2 from Linux and UNIX platforms.
Multiple Active Statements (MAS) and DBD::ODBC
How to achieve Multiple Active Statements (MAS) support without resorting to multiple connections. Includes code samples.
64-bit ODBC
When to use a 64-bit ODBC driver; ODBC issues on 64-bit Linux, UNIX and Windows platforms; background information on 64-bit architecture, operating systems and programming models.
Protecting against SQL injection attacks
Understand and avoid SQL injection. Detect existing vulnerabilites to SQL injection attacks.
Connecting to databases that support ODBC from Python with pyodbc
Accessing SQL Server, Oracle, Salesforce, MongoDB, DB2, Sybase ASE, InterBase, Access, Derby from Python with pyodbc.
C# ADO.NET ODBC tutorial
Use the ODBC .NET Data Provider to access data from your C sharp ADO.NET applications.
How to connect Ruby to SQL Server from Linux and UNIX
With no previous Rails experience, we created a functional Rails application, using Linux as our Rails platform and SQL Server as our database backend, by running a few commands and editing a configuration file.
Debugging Perl DBI
Avoid errors by following our Perl DBI best practices. Track down errors quickly by selectively logging your application's DBI activity with DBIx::Log4perl.
ODBC from C Tutorial Part 2: fetching results
Expands on the basic process for fetching results by introducing techniques such as binding result set columns, retrieving data from unbound columns and returning multiple rows of data.
Accessing databases that support ODBC with PHP and PEAR DB
ODBC access from PHP's PEAR DB on UNIX and Linux to databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, InterBase, and Sybase ASE.
Using ODBC in QT
Use QT with an Easysoft ODBC driver to access databases such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, InterBase, and Sybase from your QT programs. Includes QODBC code sample.
Using Perl DBI to publish your data on the web
Explains how to publish your SQL data on the web. This tutorial provides example CGI scripts written in Perl that display the contents of a database table in an HTML page. The tutorial also describes how to separate HTML from database data by using the HTML::Template module. Finally, it shows you how to dynamically alter a SQL query based on values supplied from a URL or a form input box.
Connecting Perl on UNIX or Linux to Microsoft SQL Server
Connect Perl with SQL Server 7–2022 and Express.
Accessing Microsoft SQL Server from PHP under Apache on UNIX and Linux
Connect PHP with SQL Server 7–2022 and Express.